White Coat Ceremony


Here are five quick facts about podiatrists that you might find surprising:
  1. Unique Education: Podiatrists are doctors, but they don’t attend traditional medical schools. Instead, they have their own specialized schools and professional associations, and they earn a “DPM” (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine) degree rather than an “MD” (Medical Doctor).
  2. Surgical Skills: Despite the common misconception, podiatrists can perform surgery, reset broken bones, prescribe medications, and order lab tests or X-rays.
  3. Foot and Ankle Experts: A podiatrist’s expertise extends beyond just the feet; they also specialize in diagnosing and treating issues affecting the ankles and lower legs.
    High Earning Potential: As of May 2023, the median annual wage for podiatrists was $141,650, reflecting the specialized nature of their skills and the importance of foot health.
  4. Essential for Diabetics: Podiatrists play a crucial role in diabetic care, as they help manage and prevent foot-related complications, which are common among diabetic patients
  5. Podiatrists are integral to healthcare, providing specialized care for one of the most complex structures of the body—the foot, which is composed of 28 bones and more than a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments.



  • Fully integrated with a large, comprehensive university health system.
  • One of the largest Podiatric medical treatment facilities anywhere, the Foot & Ankle Institute, with approximately 35,000 patient visits annually.
  • Early hands-on clinical training — rotations through our two facilities, as well as through various facets of the Temple University Health System — start during the second year.
  • One of the few schools to offer the benefit of a connection to a major university. Our students enjoy all Temple University facilities, including numerous libraries, computer labs, and sporting and cultural events.
  • One of the largest podiatric medical libraries in the United States.
  • On-campus housing for students.


TUSPM seeks to enroll qualified students regardless of race, gender, religion, or disability. We are proud of our tradition as a national and international resource, having educated men and women from across the United States and a number of foreign countries.

TUSPM is also committed to helping students with the cost of medical education, providing some form of financial aid to approximately 90% of TUSPM students. This year, we have awarded more than $800,000 in scholarships to incoming students based on cumulative GPA, the competitiveness of the undergraduate institution, and MCAT scores. Scholarships for second-, third- and fourth-year students, as well as loans and work-study, are available through the Office of Student Financial Services.

Join the Footsteps of Community Care: Temple’s Podiatric Medicine Program – Where Compassion Meets Innovation!

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Chuck D

Lead Technical Specialist